Our Mission
We founded Stand Your Ground Studios to enlighten the American people through powerful documentaries that reveal how corrupt forces are attacking our freedoms and liberties guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution. Greedy corporations, corrupt politicians, and faceless, unelected U.N. bureaucrats push a globalist agenda, using our tax dollars against us. This documentary series uncovers the truth and equips you with the knowledge and tools to Stand Your Ground.
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UNearthing the CO2 Pipeline
Imagine waking up to the nightmare of seeing your family’s farm, land you’ve nurtured for generations, torn apart by strangers drilling test wells without your consent. This shocking reality is unfolding across the Midwest, as powerful corporations exploit eminent domain to seize land for unregulated and hazardous CO2 pipelines.
Funding Goal: $83,000
Agenda 2030 and You
The United Nations brags that Agenda 2030 is its blueprint for a future utopia – a world free of poverty and hunger, in which all enjoy equality and abundance. In reality, the Agenda’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals spell out the devilish plot of global elites to control every aspect of life on the planet. This documentary exposes the truth that “sustainability” imposed by promoters of world government is diametrically opposed to personal freedom and God-given rights. Viewers will learn how to identify and stop Agenda 2030 as it is nefariously implemented at the local level.
Funding Goal: $110,000
Ripple Effect: The World-wide Impact of California’s Water Crisis
This documentary explores the far-reaching impacts of California’s water crisis, revealing how the situation has been manufactured by overreaching government forces to affect global food supplies, economies, and the lives of people everywhere. Through expert insights and real-world stories, it uncovers the complex connections between California’s water struggles and the broader war against those deemed “nonessential” by the ruling elite. Viewers will find out how to stop these water snatchers in their tracks.
Funding Goal: $87,000